I, vector

My first experience with vector graphics was CorelDRAW - probably some really old 90s version, which was prone to crash at random times. And so it did, when i was almost done designing a nice looking robot hand - and of course, i hadn't saved the files. Lesson learnt, always save; probably that's why i still have all these old piece presented on this website ( link to article ). Also, it was one of the reasons why it took me so long to start re-exploring vector graphics. The first one presented here was my first published illustrator piece. 


tools used: Poser 5 making used to give me reference for the man and women, Illustrator 10, Photoshop CS for brushing and alter the colors, Wacom Volito.

This is the very first illustrator artwork i made. im not that happy about the final result but im quit happy that im learning something knew and i got the wacom to help me through..

The title is dedicated to women that i care about. i might like them, i might hate them, they migh be my friends or lovers, mother or sister

Similarly, that next piece was also made with illustrator and poser. I'm including some of the assets used to create the final design; and as i used to say on my deviantart posts "hope you like it". I'm not entirely sure when Adobe Illustrator got able to trace a bitmap/raster image to vector; but for some reason i preferred to use Adobe Flash to trace those figure renders i got out of Poser - perhaps another extra step in my workflow? Felt right. 

In the next piece called "Center of attention" i tried to spend equal amount of effort in both Photoshop and Illustrator and combine the best of both worlds. This is one of my favourite pieces of art i've ever created. 


we need centers of attention to relay of them.. in order for your eyes to observe better.. helping our mind to focus
we create center of attentions while laughing .. or even crying
we praise center of attentions when refering to a woman's body

this little points are draggin our thoughts..
..maybe away from the truth?

is she smiling?

In the next piece, i took advantage of illustrator's 3D capabilities, resulting to a piece that i am still proud of. Postprocessed on photoshop. Minted on hic et nunc https://hicetnunc.art/objkt/96078



other suggested title:

how to screw a commercial work of yours
1999 was misery
abstract vectors is trendy
parris - caramela
dont think to buy milk cookies
no more stupid titles
artwork accompanied with a poem
my love journal
take me out
3 fried modules

I used illustrator to create some cool commissioned work to (link to upcoming article)